#ROW80 Update and an Operation G.I.T. Report

I’m actually gonna start with the G.I.T. report.  Because, oh, epic, epic fail.  One day of my new streak and then I blew it by going to a Chinese buffet.  With my preggo friend, meaning there was no social pressure to NOT go back for seconds.  And dessert.  :cringe:  But on the plus side, my neck has improved enough that I’m able to go back to my normal workouts.  So that’s a yay.  I haven’t started with weights again yet, but I’ve been doing my yoga, biking, and boxing.  I’ll brave the scale next week after I’ve avoided high sodium and sugar for a week…

On the writing front, I’ve been steadily working on my blueprints and as of last night, I finished the blueprint for Book 1 of the YA trilogy I’m planning.  Well, except for writing up the blurb.  I’m still sorting that in my head.  I’ll take the story structure map and write out a synopsis later today. This is a continuation of an idea I had during the tail end of Red, but it’s morphed somewhat into something that’s become pretty personally important to me–and consequently it will be a deeper, more emotional story because of it.

I also did a bit more fleshing out of the next Mirus novel, Night of the Rabid Gerbil Frenzy of DOOM**, DOOM for short (**Please note, this is not actually a real title, but I have to call it something.  Silly working titles have been working for Victoria Schwab–Vagabond Puppies and Angst Kittens–so I thought I’d give it a try.  This was Susan‘s suggestion.).  I decided that Devil’s Snare is not the right place to start the full novel series, since it already builds on Devil’s Eye.  It’s not going away, but it’s coming later.  This book deals with characters you’ve never met before, creatures you haven’t seen, and will introduce a different part of the world.  And the hero is inspired by Dean Winchester (very loosely) and what’s not to love about that?

Also on the news front, I wanted to share with you that my dear darling, sister from another mother, Claire Legrand has just announced her SECOND BOOK, October Year, coming from Simon and Schuster in August of 2013!  So I hereby make a demand that SOMEONE CREATE A TIME MACHINE because I want to read it and 2013 is FOREVER away.  And the legitimate creation of a time machine seems a lot more likely than traditional publishing ever actually speeding up.  We want the awesome NOW NOW NOW!  Seriously, wouldn’t that be a great use for a time machine?  The ability to jump forward to read the sequels you just CAN’T WAIT FOR.  All The Mortal Instruments books.  The rest of Shatter Me‘s follow ups.  Whatever Julie Kagawa’s next project is, plus the follow up Iron Fey series following Meghan’s brother Ethan.  I suppose I better not have a time machine then unless I become independently wealthy, or I wouldn’t have time to actually go to my job for being immersed in all the fabulous.  Still, it doesn’t make me any more PATIENT.


  1. Oh the Chinese buffet.. evil thing it is. So many tasty and fried things. As long as you don’t eat that way all the time, you’re ok. A once in a while splurge won’t hurt her. Just drink lots of water and keep up the exercise. Congrats on finishing the blueprint!

  2. Okay, who is not disappointed by the fact that you’re not really writing “Night of the Rabid Gerbil Frenzy of DOOM”? (Or for that matter, that nobody is really writing “Vagabond Puppies” or “Angst Kittens”?) Those are fabulous titles.

  3. I had epic fail on G.I.T. today, but my day job was stressing me out so badly that I HAD to go to that Hibachi Japanese restaurant and eat all that fried rice. LOL. Hey, all we can do is keep working on it. We’ll have good days and bad days. I’m just glad your neck is better!

    I love the funny title. Maybe I should start doing that. I can make up some pretty funny stuff. Too bad I suck at coming up with REAL titles.

    I saw that announcement on Claire’s blog. Traditional publishing is SO slow.

  4. Wow, I’m impressed. I need to do some blueprint work myself, but I find writing easier than planning. I’m such pantster (or panster, I swear I’ve seen it both ways).

    I’m excited to hear more about your upcoming works. Red is high in my TBR pile… if only there were more hours in the day. 😉

  5. Wow, like the concept of blueprints, makes it all sound so architecturally sound.

    Now wishing I could be distracted by a Chinese buffet. It’s only 9:00am in Sydney, but hey –

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