Sunday Summary and #ROW80 Update

  1. Super late post today because it’s been a BUSY WEEKEND.
  2. We’ve had family in town all weekend.  My husband’s grandmother has been moved to hospice and all the cousins were coming in for what may be their last chance to see her.
  3. Between visits, I’ve been busting my hump to finish a new project, and I’m ready to get back to fiction this week.  I’ve been up to my eyeballs in recipes for the cookbook I’ve been working on.  I’ll post more about that tomorrow.  But…16500 words this week.  A lot of that was converting existing recipes from my food blog, but still.
  4. Middle of last week, I got bitten by a big pregnant mutant plot bunny and I dragged 7 other authors in with me.  There’s an anthology happening later this fall.  It’s gonna be epic.
  5. …Yeah…tired.  Headed to bed.


  1. I snorted my tea at the big pregnant mutant plot bunny–that sounds like best kind, in a weirdly octopus-tentacle kind of way.

    I am so scarfing up the recipe book–I have so many GF friends, and even though I can sort of handle the dairy-free, I am up to my armpits in some Iowa cornfield when it comes to GF. Not pretty.

    Sorry to hear about your husband’s grandmother. I hope your week settles down to its normal insanity.

Penny for your thoughts...